*By ‘Unicorn’ I mean ‘Person Delivering On Their Potential’. You won’t be required to sprout a horn or vomit rainbows. Though you might finally take flight…

Are you being held back by your fear of failure or sense of Imposter Syndrome?

Get Performance Coaching from an experienced executive and IECL-Certified coach to finally deliver on your awesome potential. Results Guaranteed.

You know you have lots to offer, but lately things just aren’t landing.

Everyone can see how much potential you have.

Bursting with promise, ready to take on the world.

So you jot down your goals and get hyped to achieve them… 

…maybe pop a bottle to celebrate the Big New Idea with your friends and family…

…or you get your team and colleagues pumped on the Bright Shiny Thing…

But then your old mate Imposter Syndrome comes knocking.

Oh, and that nagging Epic Fear Of Failure kicks in.

Before you know it, your head is in your hands and you’re totally overwhelmed.

Then you find yourself digging for an excuse for why you didn’t deliver. Again.

It’s crushing your sense of self. And killing your confidence in your work. 

So you start living Einstein’s theory of insanity, turning to the same old ‘solutions’ expecting a different outcome.

Be honest with yourself – are all those life hack podcasts and self help audiobooks helping you hit your goals?

That’s a rhetorical question… the answer is NO.

You can’t ice bath and keto-diet your way out of this.

So here’s the real question:

Will you make the choice to finally change things up?

If you tick any of these boxes, it’s time to make a change:

You start things, but self-sabotage when it comes time to deliver.

Self-doubt or fear of failure frequently clouds your judgement.

You sometimes feel like you’re having to adopt a persona to fit in.

You feel disconnected from your sense of purpose.

On a bad day you feel like a fraud, or like you’ll be ‘found out’ for having no idea what you’re doing

Sound like you? Losing sleep over this?

Every hour you spend worrying is an hour of your life you won’t get back.

Let’s chat – a first 60 minute coaching session is FREE, zero obligation, and will help you steer back towards the right path.

Will you take just 60 minutes to finally experience some relief?

What are my clients saying?

That feeling of never advancing, imposter syndrome, and your constant fear of failure?

To paraphrase Frozen (my daughter’s once-favourite movie):

My name’s Nick Orchard – yes, yes, the ‘Unicorn Wrangler’ – and I’m the Performance Coach you didn’t know you need.

Hell, I was once crushed by imposter syndrome too, spinning my wheels and getting nowhere.

I know how soul-crushing it can be.

But against all the odds, I turned it around by embracing my outsider status

…only to achieve things I’d never dared imagine.

Case in point: I’m a tattoo covered ex-hip hop artist who climbed to the executive ranks of State Government, leading the change I wanted to see in the world.

Quite the leap from spending my early 20s unemployed and couch surfing…

…full of big dreams with nothing to show for them….

…until eventually I learned how to use my story, my unique talents, my passion and A PLAN…

…to open a world-leading youth homelessness service, spearhead a national employment service, and lead a Government branch with a $50 million budget.

If anyone understands the struggle of turning ideas into action it’s me. But once I stopped second guessing and let authenticity be my guide?

Every morning felt like a new adventure - and the results I’d been desperate for followed immediately.

The leap from High Potential to High Performer can happen FAST

Here’s the truth about being an outsider: it can be a superpower

  • People respond well to authenticity and ‘realness’

  • Looking, talking or thinking different means that people remember you

  • No-one actually wants you to have all the answers – the most beloved leaders in the world are the ones who say “I don’t know” or “what do you think?

  • Achieving your potential isn’t about fitting in – it’s about standing out and delivering the goods.

Hear from more of my awesome clients:

I coach peeps with awesome potential… who can sometimes be their own worst enemy.

Through Uncut Coaching, I work with some of the most talented Australians in their fields – including cutting edge executives, rising star leaders, trailblazing business owners and multiple ARIA Award-winning creative geniuses.

The secret?

Every. Single. One. Of. Them…

…used to feel EXACTLY the same way you do.

Same inner critic, same self-bullying, same fear of failure making them second guess their best instincts.

Those nasty self-limiting beliefs were LITERALLY the only things holding them back from achieving their incredible goals.

The relief of finally embracing authenticity has brought battle-exhausted talent to tears, again and again.

There is no better feeling in the world.

Will you change your story and deliver on that awesome potential?

Let me tell you a secret that will bring you comfort.


If you don’t feel you’re getting value after 3 coaching sessions, I’ll return your money in full.

All you need to do is show up, engage fully, and do the (10 - 30 mins a day maximum) homework we mutually agree on.

It’s my job to help you, after all – so in the (highly unlikely) scenario Uncut Coaching isn’t working for you, why should you pay?

Uncut Coaching packages and costs

I believe in transparency – I’m not here to hard sell you, or talk you out of your money. I’m absolutely confident that an investment in Uncut Coaching is an investment in your positive change, which is my passion.

As a result, the service is priced to be as accessible as possible – while providing maximum value to you.

  • Cost:

    $260 per session

    You will receive:

    • 60 min one-to-one online coaching

    • Recap email of key insights and actions from each session

  • Cost:

    $210 per session

    (Upfront payment of $1,260 for 6 x sessions)

    A total discount of $300 from 6 x single session bookings

    You will receive:

    • 6 x 60 min one-to-one online coaching

    • 6 x recap emails of key insights and actions from each session

    • Uncut Coaching Guarantee

    • Tools and templates to help you plan and deliver

    • 24/7 email support (24 hour response time)

I also offer a 10% discount on the above rates if you earn less than $100,000 pre-tax per year, or if you work for a non-profit organisation.

Don’t take it from me, though – here’s what even more of my clients have to say:

The unique Uncut coaching methodology I use with my clients blends elements of neuroscience, human-centred design and cutting-edge project planning.

But that’s the boring stuff.

The important thing is that IT WORKS – with a 100% strike rate.

Here’s a sneak peek into the 3 phases of the Uncut approach:

Unlocking Your Potential: Uncut Coaching


  • Discover the Story You Wish You Could Tell About Yourself

  • Reconnect with your Gamechangers

  • Find the Courage to Stop Talking to Yourself Like That


  • Crack the Code of Self-Limiting Patterns

  • Harness your Authenticity, Narrative and Differences

  • Rediscover your sense of Purpose, Passion and Direction


  • Set Clear Goals and start making Daily Progress

  • Cultivate Grit and Resilience

  • Find Fulfilment and Satisfaction within the Process

  • Move Forward with Confidence

What qualifies me to be your Performance Coach?

An IECL-Certified professional coach with over 1,000 hours coaching experience.

An experienced counsellor with a clinical background

A passionate, world-class motivator who is deeply invested in your progress

A person who overcame a crippling sense of imposter syndrome to achieve my biggest goals.

An energetic leader with 10+ years of executive and senior management experience

And let’s get real – if the cheerful ex-rapper with hand tattoos can become a high-performing executive, imagine what YOU can become!

You should know, though, that if you’re looking for any of the following then I AM NOT YOUR PERSON:

  • Some cookie cutter fly-by-night ‘today I’m deciding to be a coach’ coach

  • A life coach prescribing snake oil and mystical chants

  • A bored executive coach with a BMW key ring and a manilla folder bursting with Myers-Briggs printouts.

  • Some masochist demanding you rise at 3am for ice baths and 7,000 push ups before crying into a vat of watery porridge with no milk or honey.

Personally, I’d rather have my belly button tattooed (AGAIN) than talk to one of these hustlers.


If you’re my client, I’m an ‘ALL-IN’ Performance Coach.

I’ll be your ride or die homie, your biggest cheerleader, your most potent sounding board, and your voice of reason.

(I might even send you a Get Well card if you get the sniffles.)

But for real: If you’re with me, you’re with me; and I’ll be riding shotgun as you cruise through each milestone of progress.

Such is the energy, attention and focus I pour in that I only take a VERY LIMITED NUMBER OF CLIENTS.

And if you happen to become one of them?

I’m so confident that we can get results together that I’m willing to GUARANTEE IT.

Within three sessions, if you don’t feel like you’re getting results, you’ll be refunded in full - no questions asked.

After all, if I’m not helping you, why should I get paid?

However, this door swings both ways: You need to be prepared to put in the work.

If you aren’t ready to make change - or tackle the between-session work we agree on - that is totally cool.

It just means coaching isn’t for you just yet.

You’re the one in the driver’s seat, and ultimately you are the only person who can make your aspirations a reality.

But if you’re ready to deliver on your awesome potential - and put the work in TOGETHER - then let’s make it happen!

JULY SPECIAL OFFER: FREE ‘Undeniable Edge’ 1-to-1 COACHING PACKAGE $697 value, limited places

Feeling lost, stuck or suffering from Imposter Syndrome?

Refresh yourself with a FREE 60 Minute Coaching Session (value $260), then use your FREE Undeniable Edge Vision Blueprint (value $347) and FREE Follow Up 20 minute session (value $90) to reconnect with the skills, attributes and assets that make you special - zero obligation, zero sales tactics.

During your FREE 60 Minute Coaching Session (valued at $260) you will:

  • Unpack the situation and challenges holding you back at the moment

  • Set your vision with The Story You’d Love To Tell About Yourself

  • Discover the ‘3 Ring Secret’ to nailing your Undeniable Edge

  • Define the 4 Core Values that will drive your future success

  • Pinpoint the ‘Ace Up The Sleeve’ factor that makes your potential undeniable

  • Gain clarity about Uncut Coaching and our risk-free Results Guarantee.

In your FREE 20 minute follow up session (valued at $90) you will:

  • Receive your bespoke 4 page ‘Undeniable Edge’ Vision Blueprint - personalised to your skills, attributes and assets – yours to keep forever (valued at $347)

  • Learn the unconventional ‘Broccoli, Steak and Cheesecake Method’ to supercharge your productivity, satisfaction and confidence

  • Have the opportunity to ask any questions you like to set up for future success