Uncut Coaching - Testimonials

Jeremy Koren / ARIA award-winner / Founder and Creative Director, Ghostie Studios / Director of 50+ music videos totalling more than 300 million views. Melbourne

As a creative I often mind myself over thinking and second guessing my abilities. In the seven coaching sessions I've had with Nick I have re-discovered my self worth and learnt how to make practical changes to achieve rapid evolution and expansion while letting go of my inner critic.

My goals have also shifted through deeper reflection with Nick; previously they have been material or achievement-based but have now been refocused on inner peace and resilience. This has enabled me to level up in a grounded way and has increased my confidence and output which has (ironically) guided me back towards those ticking those initial goals. 

Nick is an extremely caring, focused, perceptive and intelligent guide who has created a space where I feel comfortable to be speaking about finances one moment and crying about deeper aspects of life in another. 

I feel the best I've ever felt in my career and home life and I have Nick to thank for this (and have learnt to thank myself for the work I have put in too)!

Carly Kling / Director, Victorian Government. Melbourne

Returning from parental leave to my executive position was hard. I struggled with a sense of imposter syndrome, and not being able to ‘keep up’ as an executive member and leader. I was worried that I had lost my edge, and with it a lot of confidence.

After a few sessions with Nick, I flipped the narrative in my head. I reconnected with my assets, strengths and abilities as a leader and helped to reframe my role in the executive team.

Since commencing our sessions I’ve felt my confidence return. I've regained that edge and have used our sessions to gain further clarity on my leadership style and ambitions.  I am leading high-scale reforms with confidence and clarity and have worked through some leadership challenges with a renewed energy.

Nick has a gift of reframing things to make you look at yourself from a different perspective, is incredibly perceptive and helps you to articulate your thoughts in a way that is almost impossible to do yourself. He has a way of making you feel at ease so you can surface vulnerability, but then shows you a way through it.

I would recommend Nick to any leader seeking some renewed confidence or clarity in their leadership style or career ambitions.

Charlie Buchner / Founder and Managing Director, Cones Studio. Melbourne

Nick is a badass f**king legend. That's all you need to know.

Before starting to chat with Nick, I was stressed with the challenges of a growing business and unclear in the direction I was trying to take it. In seven sessions, Nick has helped me work on my organisation, time management, leadership and delegation skills, weaknesses that I believe have been affecting how I relate to myself and my business, whilst helping me realise my own power and resolve.

Always there for an impromptu meeting or at the end of the line to celebrate your achievements, Nick is your biggest cheerleader and an open-minded, never-doubts-you kind of guy. Nick has helped me rediscover my motivation to get into this ridiculous yet rewarding business ownership life and I am truly grateful."

Morgan Goss / Pursuits and Bid Manager / Arup. Brisbane

As a neurodiverse woman in the infrastructure advisory and consultancy sector, I have experienced both challenges and opportunities operating in corporate environments designed for the neurotypical. While I have always been a high performer and valued for many of the abilities that stem from my neurodiversity, role expectations shift as you move into leadership. As a neurodiverse leader, though, advice is hard to come by. Adding the complexities of being a working parent, knew I needed some support to find the right path forward and a new toolset unique to my goals and brain. 

Since connecting with Nick, I have found a new confidence in my authentic self. Nick’s systematic approach, and knowledge of ADHD, created a framework for defining my objectives, identifying enablers and blockers, and developing metrics to measure progress. Nick's coaching has helped me find my path forward, relieving stressors associated with living with ADHD and helped me understand my brand and worth.

From our first session, Nick created an environment which allowed me to speak candidly about my ambition and what I saw as major road blocks to me achieving my goals. His knowledge of the dynamics of corporate leadership teams and the complexities of organisations in similar sectors helped me move past surface level obstacles to identify the larger challenges. Nick's gentle but unwavering commitment to the goals we set helps me stay on track, and his ability to hold space for deeper thought makes for impactful sessions.

I would highly recommend working with Nick to anyone wanting to clarify their approach to their career or personal ambitions.

Jessica Rath, A/ Director, Portfolio Communications – Internal and Schools | Communications Division

As an early-stage director in a busy government department, I sought out Nick and Uncut Coaching to help me define and unpack my leadership style, and use his coaching skills to provide me with long-term tools to help me become an authentic leader.

In only a few sessions, Nick has helped me examine my leadership style, given me confidence I'm on the right track, and offered me clarity about what I should focus on and keep building.

Nick's energy is infectious and his passion to see his clients grow and realise their leadership potential is genuine, and considered. He genuinely cares about his clients and seeing them succeed, in whatever way is meaningful for them.

Andrew Cunningham – Founder and Business Owner, Advanced Health / Chiropractor / Personal Trainer – treated approximately 100 clients per week for 11 years

Uncut Coaching is an absolute game changer for any practitioner in the healthcare space regardless of your discipline. The Vision and strategy Nick has helped me put in place for my allied health practice is impressive. I’m in the infancy part of the coaching, so looking forward to see what else I’m going to get out of my sessions in the coming months

Glenn Jessop / Manager / Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions

I engaged with Nick at a career transition point – his guidance and advice helped steer me through this period, and ultimately land an ideal job.

Nick has a very effective approach to listening, asking the right questions at the right times, and offering reflections that unearth/unlock deeper meanings.

Each session strikes a neat balance and rhythm of exploration, facilitating curiosity, identifying underlying motivations/aspirations, and landing concrete actions that are practical and can be put into place straight away.

Nick’s style is a powerful mix of empowering, curious, generous, pragmatic and inspiring.

I highly recommend Nick as someone who can help elevate your game to the next level!

Kristen Dagg / Published Author / Network 10 Story Producer. Sydney

I approached Nick at Uncut Coaching last year when I was stuck in a cycle of wanting to get back into writing and feeling blocked and fearful.

He was very warm, kind and knowledgeable. We were able to unpack my reasons for stalling and it made me realise I had a lot of emotional stuff going on. He listened without judgement and we were able to work through the issues. He was so generous and creative with his thinking. 

We made a list of goals and came up with a plan, which we assess and revise each session. We have been catching up every two weeks and I'm back on track with my writing, which feels fantastic.

I enjoy our sessions so much and end them feeling motivated and positive. 

Without Nick's coaching, I'm not sure I'd be on novel number three. I'm very proud and grateful. 

Thank you, Nick. I look forward to our 2024 coaching sessions.

Jack May / Architect / Business Owner / Founder of Office of Culture, Technology and Architecture (OCTA). Melbourne

Nick helped me structure my business around specific goals, allowing me to approach tasks without fear of failure while viscerally enjoying my work.

It’s his ability to clearly identify challenges I was facing, and help me develop strategies to overcome them, that made Nick’s approach to coaching so life changing for me and my business.

Michelle and Jarvis Hunder / Founders, Got Next Productions / ARIA Award Winner / Rolling Stone Cover Photographer / Television Producer

We really loved chatting to Nick about our goals for our business, and found the way that Nick approached the session and questions made us really think about our business brand and what we want for our future.

We found it incredibly useful to get an understanding of how we could pursue sustainable growth for our business, and what our market differences are when we communicate with clients.

Naomi / Project Manager, The Accreditation Company / Author

In recent months I’ve had some solid writer’s block. In sessions with Nick, he helped me unpack what I couldn’t put my finger on; primarily, the fear of my own voice in my novel.

His support, brainstorming of attainable deadlines, and rational thought process spearheaded the reinvigoration of my research and pushed me towards the freedom to explore my own words.

Nick’s an incredible coach for direction when you think all is lost!

Book your first session, you won’t regret it.

Dr Mohita Roman / Emergency Management, Victorian Government

This was one of the most interesting and engaging coaching experiences that allowed and gave me the space for self reflection . It allowed me to articulate what the non negotiables are for me, what I am aspiring for - my vision, purpose and how I intend to get there.

Prior to the session I hadn't really spoken or penned down my 'whats next' but Nick provided me the space and opportunity to do so through the structure of the session . It was truly self revelatory to express my ambition, reflect on my growth areas and the value i add as a professional .

Nick is a great listener and his friendly, approachable style immediately put me at ease . Moreover, Nick's passion to help people realize their potential and willingness to guide and mentor was evident throughout the session.

Nick asked me the right questions and allowed me to reflect on my journey and the value I add through the skills and experience I have acquired so far and also allowed me to reflect on my personal qualities and attributes. It was a great opportunity for me to learn from Nick's vast and diverse experience in the public and community sector and his advice is very pertinent to my current professional situation and the slide deck is a great tool that I will definitely be using to confidently position myself going forward.

I will definitely recommend to others!

Vincent Van Berkel – Founding Member, Company Here and Now / Circus Performer / Photographer / Musician

It feels strange, refreshing and inspiring to have someone see things in me that I don’t see or that I’ve lost belief in.

David Chea - Action Designer / Stunt performer – TEAMYAS / Films include The Fall Guy, Mad Max: Furiosa and Mortal Kombat

I honestly didn’t know what to expect when I started the sessions with Nick. I’ve always had goals and things I wanted to get done. Nick has helped me focus and gather what’s floating in my head and put it into actionable steps.

We discussed things that were very personal and I felt very awkward and vulnerable at times but it was met with warmth and understanding. Nick is very attentive, a great listener and is awesome at organising and clarifying thoughts in a cohesive manner.

The focus board is extremely helpful to me as it gives me a bird’s eye view of me. You don’t see what other people see about you, having Nick there break down and unpack strengths and weaknesses in your game is awesome.

I highly highly recommend Nick as a coach, he can really help unpack a lot of stuff in your head. His care and attentiveness to detail is awesome.