(Repeat Daily.)

Whatever your flash of brilliance - maybe a game-changing business idea, a genre-defining novel or starting a social movement - making your ‘lightbulb moment’ into a real thing feels incredible…

…but when was the last time you turned one of your Big Ideas into something real?

There’s no better feeling than turning your awesome inspiration into an amazing finished product.

For you, coming up with incredible ideas is the easy bit.

These flashes of brilliance just come to you – whether an awesome product, or movie concept, or a philanthropic campaign – and you can see the finished product in your mind’s eye.

You know it could be a GAMECHANGER.

Whatever success means to you - money, acclaim, social impact - you know your BIG IDEA could move the needle.

So you start spreading the word, shouting it the rooftops.

Next minute you’re designing logos and buying domain names…

…or eyeing off that corner office…

…visualising the cash / likes / hype / personal stock skyrocketing.

You’re obsessed – the Big Idea is all you can think about.

It’s all you talk about, too.

Everyone you come into contact with – family members, friends, Hinge dates, the local barista, even your pet chihuahua Chewy – catches Bleeding Ear Syndrome.

Because you’re hyped up, pumped, ready to take on the world!

You’re going to be the new Erin Brockovich, the modern Spike Lee, Steve Jobs without the turtleneck.

But then…………

Time after time.………..

These bolts of inspiration don’t become anything.

When your friends tentatively ask how Project X is going…

…(ears stuffed with tissues in anticipation)…

…you mumble something about “still working it through”.

But you’re not really, are you?

Really you’re having to conjure up another excuse because it got too hard.

Too big.

Too overwhelming.


See how many of these boxes you tick:

You’re at your happiest when you’re inspired

You know your Big Ideas could be gamechangers… if you could just get past the brainstorming phase.

You’re certain what ISN’T your jam: the administration, the number crunching, the organising, the boring stuff after the initial flurry of brainstorming

You often wish you could be paid a salary to come up with your awesome ideas – and someone else would make them real

It’s starting to get embarrassing telling people that you’ve switched Big Ideas again with nothing to show for it

You’ve fallen out of love with the process – and want to fast-forward to the success eluding you

Multiple choice - which sounds better?

a) Going around and around in the vicious cycle of unrealised potential forever?

b) Spending years on a coach psychoanalysing your inability to deliver?

c) Investing just a few hours in making actual progress NOW?

What are my clients saying?

From Humble Beginnings To Incredible Outcomes

Hey, I’m Nick (yes, yes, Uncut’s Chief Unicorn Wrangler)

It’s nice to be able to say that I’ve spent over a decade in executive and senior leadership roles, leading the change I want to see in the world.

It’s even nicer to have founded Uncut – a place where great ideas can become real things.

But it wasn’t always like this.

To be totally honest with you, I used to be a complete sh*t show.

The Uncut Method started off as a self-coaching system I developed to hold myself accountable. To ensure I was remaining authentic, overcoming my limitations, and making daily progress towards my big goals.

It worked. Better than I could ever have hoped.

CASE IN POINT: After spending my early twenties unemployed, unqualified and teetering on the edge of homelessness…

…I became an Executive in State Government with a $50 million budget, leading the change I wanted to see in the world – finally making my Big Ideas a REALITY.

Next I tested an early version of the Uncut Method out on my staff, who were mainly Ideas People - full of potential, but struggling to deliver.

Within weeks, I saw promising but overwhelmed direct reports build incredible confidence and outperform their roles… only to go on to become CEOs, executives and successful business founders using these same methods.

Unicorn status achieved!

So I started using the Uncut Method with coachees…

The Results Were Unprecedented and Shocking

  • Like the project officer bursting with promise, but completely overwhelmed with ideas. A couple of years later? By connecting with her authentic leadership style, and setting a clear personal plan, she’s now an appointed executive (and crushing it). Her salary’s nearly doubled, too…

  • Or the business owner who came to me drowning in debt and haemorrhaging cash. Six months on, he’s kicking arse with a sustainably profitable business and a fresh venture that excites him every day.

For my clients, the Uncut Method has meant:

  • Executive promotions

  • Big new contracts

  • Business scaling and more profit

  • Exciting prototypes

  • That dusty manuscript finally finished, with agents scrambling to represent it

The Uncut Method works for all of them… but what does does everyone say the best bit is?

Just feeling stoked to bounce out of bed every morning, loving the process as much as the inevitable outcomes.

This, my friend, is the life you deserve.

After all, you’re a trailblazer, with all the potential in the world.

The traditional route never appealed to you.

So why take it now?

Hear from more of my awesome clients:

An Unconventional System for Undeniable Talent - INTRODUCING THE UNCUT METHOD


Over a decade of coaching practice I developed the Uncut Method: a proven three-stage process that blends elements of neuroscience, the GROW Model and Advantaged Thinking.

It’s a bit like mashing together three colours of Play Doh… that is, if each of those Play Doh lumps were rigorously evidence-based methodologies, and the colour they formed together (let’s call it purple?) was the one which will see you finally deliver the goods!

Sounds funky? It’s science-based! Sounds fun? It is… it’s also energising, uncomfortable, enlightening, eye-opening, scary and, ultimately, just a huge weight off your shoulders because IT WORKS.


In just 16 weeks you’ll be WAY CLOSER to making your dream reality than in the last 16 months.

You’ll be CLEAR, FOCUSSED, and have EVERY STEP OF THE WAY MAPPED OUT in black and white.

EVERY SINGLE DAY you’ll be STACKING WINS on the way to making your Big Idea a REALITY.

Start Progressing and Stop Feeling Like You’re Wasting Your Potential: a deep dive on The Uncut Method

Keen for a sneak peak into the sort of exercises we’ll do together? Check them out below – and book in a FREE 60 Minute Intro Session where I can talk you through them in detail!

The UNCUT METHOD phases and exercises


What you’ll do:

  • Share The Story You Wish You Could Tell About Yourself

  • Reconnect with your Gamechangers: the strengths, talents and attributes that got you here

  • Stop Talking To Yourself Like That: Identify the limiting self beliefs which are holding you back

  • Crack the Code: Unpack the habits and patterns that are reinforcing the challenges you experience

  • The 1,000 metre Forward Roll: Rediscover the sense of passion, purpose and ‘why’

  • Learn Fluoro is the New Black: Discover how your story - and your differences - are your most powerful assets

What I’ll produce for you:

A FOCUS DECK articulating your personal vision, long-term goals, unique skillsets and offerings.


What you’ll do:

  • Sharpen Up: Get clear about what you want to achieve, what problem you’re solving, and WHY.

  • Chug the Haterade: consider how a doubter, competitor or sceptic might tear down your idea (and take the lessons from it)

  • Get Voyeuristic: What else is being done to address the problem, and what can you learn?

  • Find 20/20 Foresight: Unpack your blind spots, and workshop ways to address them

  • Howl with your Wolf Pack: Find and invigorate the tribe who will be your key supports

  • Spin a Yarn: Understand the narrative of what you want to achieve – and how it connects to your own story and purpose

What I’ll produce for you:

A dynamic CHANGE STRATEGY charting the course from concept to achievement


What you’ll do:

  • Use the Broccoli, Steak and Cheesecake process to ensure you’re progressing towards your goal every day

  • Get Bean Counting: Define what success means to you, and set internal metrics to track your progress in real time

  • Take the Ice Barrel Challenge: Get comfortable feeling uncomfortable, and learn to shrug off resistance

  • Put your Shades On: Set up systems to keep cool and troubleshoot - without the bonus anxiety and overwhelm

  • Land the Plane: Lead the process from concept to delivery with confidence and authenticity

What I’ll produce for you:

An ACTION PLAN, including micro and macro milestones - with measures and metrics – to track progress towards your goals.


If you’re with me, you’re with me: For the life of our coaching relationship you can email or text me anytime 24/7 – I’ll always get back to you within 24 hours.

And after all this?

Well, you probably won’t need me anymore. Because you’ll be well on track to making your Big Idea a reality

…while feeling PUMPED and stacking up DAILY WINS

…with a BULLETPROOF PLAN that maps out every step of the way!



  • 8 x 60 minute one-to-one coaching sessions (fortnightly) $1,920 $1,440

  • 7 x 15 minute phone check ins (alternative fortnight to coaching sessions) $420 FREE

  • A FOCUS DECK articulating your personal vision, long-term goals, unique skillsets and offerings $600 FREE

  • A bespoke CHANGE STRATEGY charting the course from your concept to achievement $480 $320

  • A detailed personal ACTION PLAN, including micro and macro milestones - with clear measures and metrics – to track progress towards your goals $720 $480

    TOTAL $4,140 $2,240


  • Access to The Sunday Sesh, an optional weekly group coaching session, for the life of the program $960 FREE

  • 8 x Action Recap emails from coaching sessions BONUS

  • 16 x weekly personalised reading and listening recommendations BONUS

  • Lifetime 10% off any future Uncut One-to-One Coaching sessions MASSIVE DISCOUNT

TOTAL PACKAGE VALUE: $5,100 (and a lot more if you factor 10% future coaching discount)

ALL FOR $2,240

THE UNCUT GUARANTEE: If you’re not any closer to making your idea a reality after 3 coaching sessions, I’ll return your money in full.

All you need to do is show up, engage fully, and do the (10 - 30 mins a day maximum) homework we mutually agree on.

It’s my job to help you, after all – so in the (highly unlikely) scenario the Uncut Method isn’t working for you, why should you pay?

Don’t take it from me, though – here’s what even more of my clients have to say:

Imagine The Relief Of Someone Finally Having Your Back

You need someone in your corner, but you’re wary of coaching. Maybe you think it’s not your thing.

Honestly, I used to feel pretty suss on it too.

It can be a sketchy industry, unregulated and full of people with big promises who’ve never achieved anything in the real world.

So let me put your mind at ease.

    • An IECL-Certified professional coach.

    • An energetic leader with 10+ years of executive and senior management experience across Government and the non-profit sector

    • A passionate, world-class motivator who is deeply invested in your progress

    • An experienced counsellor with a clinical background

    • A person who overcame a crippling fear of failure and imposter syndrome to achieve, then surpass, my greatest ambitions.

    • A spiritual guide manifesting snake oil salvation

    • A slick haired suit hustling ‘get rich quick’ schemes

    • A pseudo-psychologist who is going to ‘diagnose’ you

    • A boot camp instructor selling macho masochism

    • A talker who’s never walked the walk

Right now, I’m working with some of the best and brightest in their fields - from cutting-edge executives to groundbreaking founders and ARIA-award winning creative geniuses – to break through their self-imposed limitations and realise their true potential.

JULY SPECIAL OFFER: FREE ‘Undeniable Edge’ 1-to-1 COACHING PACKAGE $697 value, limited places

Are you an Ideas Person struggling to deliver the goods?

Start making progress now with a FREE 60 Minute Coaching Session, then use your Undeniable Edge Vision Blueprint and FREE Follow Up 20 minute session to reconnect with the skills, attributes and assets that make you special - zero obligation, zero sales tactics.

During your FREE 60 Minute Coaching Session (valued at $260) you will:

  • Unpack the Big Idea that is eluding you – and what is standing in your way

  • Set your vision with The Story You’d Love To Tell About Yourself

  • Discover the ‘3 Ring Secret’ to nailing your Undeniable Edge

  • Define the 4 Core Values that will drive your future success

  • Pinpoint the ‘Ace Up The Sleeve’ factor that makes your potential undeniable

  • Gain clarity about Uncut Coaching and our risk-free Results Guarantee.

In your FREE 20 minute follow up session (valued at $90) you will:

  • Receive your bespoke 4 page ‘Undeniable Edge’ Vision Blueprint - personalised to your skills, attributes and assets – yours to keep forever (valued at $347)

  • Learn the unconventional ‘Broccoli, Steak and Cheesecake Method’ to supercharge your productivity, satisfaction and confidence

  • Have the opportunity to ask any questions you like to set up for future success