Note: By ‘Unicorn’ I mean ‘Person Delivering On Their Potential’. You won’t be required to sprout a horn or vomit rainbows. Though you might finally take flight…

Everyone can see you have potential – but can you honestly say you’re delivering on it?

Reconnect with your Purpose, Reclaim your Confidence, and let Daily Wins propel you to Next-Level Achievements.

Are you being held back by your Imposter Syndrome or a fear of failure?

One-to-One Coaching will see you finally find relief, as you break through your self-limiting mindset to achieve your awesome potential.

Are you an Ideas Person who is struggling to deliver the goods?

The Uncut Method is a 16 week intensive individual coaching program to see you finally make your Big Idea a reality.

Is your organisation looking to flip High Potential into High Performance?

Organisation Coaching will see your Rising Star talent evolve into well-rounded, clear headed and dialed-in leaders.

Hey, I’m Nick….

…(though some call me ‘The Unicorn Wrangler’)…

...and I’m the Performance Coach you didn’t know you needed.

I used to be a tired workhorse - someone with big ideas that weren’t landing, plagued by imposter syndrome, constantly exhausted and running in circles.

(Does this sound familiar?)

People could see my raw, uncut talent… but it wasn’t putting food on the table.

Staring down unemployment and teetering on homelessness, something had to change.

So I did the opposite of everything I’d been doing.

I leaned into my unique edge, rather than hiding it away.

I got clear about my biggest goals, and why they mean so much to me.

Then, most importantly, I crafted a plan that would see me making tangible daily progress – rather than trying to manifest success by talking about it.

The result?

I made the leap from struggling ex-hip hop artist to Government Executive, leading the change I wanted to see in the world.

Unicorn status achieved – AKA Ideas Person Who Finally Delivers The Goods.

Now I coach cutting edge executives, rising star talent, trailblazing business owners and ARIA Award-winning creative geniuses to overachieve on their own ambitions.

If you’re ready to change your own story - and finally deliver on all that potential - then I’m here to help.

Results Guaranteed.

What are my clients saying?

  • Certified Organisational Coach through IECL Growth Ops, the most reputable coaching institution in the world.

  • Over a decade of holding executive and senior management positions across Government and non-profit sectors

  • Currently one-to-one coaching executives, founders, business owners and leaders of the creative industry across Australia.

  • World-class motivator with over 1,000 hours coaching practice

  • Managed a world-leading youth homelessness service utilising exclusively coaching practice for staff and participants

  • Led the rollout of an innovative coaching practice across 16 organisations delivering youth employment services around Australia

  • A clinically-experienced counsellor

  • Loving father to a beautiful daughter named Coco

What qualifies me to be your Performance Coach?

Hear from more of my awesome clients: